Monday, June 13, 2011

My Summer 2011

This summer I'm planning on going to work everyday. I want to make some money so I am going to work with my dad. I want to work the whole summer because I'm planning on buying a car so I'm just going to work and save every dollar I make. I also want to buy new clothes and maybe even a computer. I want to be doing something the whole 2 months instead of being at my house board and not doing anything. And to hang out you need money so that’s why I'm going to go to work with my pops.

Another thing I want to do is party by night. I want to have some kickbacks and go to some parties and chill with some people. I just want to chill and not cause any problems with the law or with anyone. I want to kick it with some people I haven't seen in a long time and talk about how everything is. I have a couple friends from Newport harbor that I haven’t seen in a long time. Hopefully this summer it will get really hot because it would be nice to go to the beach at night.

I want to just be able to hang out at my house and start up the grill and make some good food with some family members and relax. Hopefully on the weekends we will have some family and go to the beach or over to some other family members house and make some food over there too.

I also want to go to huge events and parties to just have a lot of fun and listen to some music with fat bass. I also want to get a computer so hopefully I make a lot of money and I end up buying my self my own computer. If I do end up buying myself a car the first thing I'm getting my car is a nice sound system and loud speakers. Hopefully things go as planned and everything turns out well.

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