Monday, June 20, 2011

My Job Interests

            I want to be many different things when I grow up. For example I think working outside is better than being indoors all day. Id rather be doing hard labor and sweating that sitting inside and filing papers and answering phone calls all day.
            There are four main things I would like to do when I get older. First of all I want to work in the landscaping business. I’ve been working in that my whole life. Ever since I was a little kid I've always liked going to work with my dad. I’ve already learned how to do everything. I've had so much practice and I've been through it all. I know how to do everything from trimming to planting to just regular weekly yard work. I started liking this job at about age 10. That’s when I started getting really into it. I would go with my dad on the weekends and do a lot of work. We would trim trees and I would throw the branches up on the truck. I just loved this work because it was so hard and if you’re not a tough person you’ll be crying that you’re over it. I’ve taken a couple friends to work before and there just not used to it but I love it. I want to go to college and study for business management to take over my dads business and build it up. If my dad did it and he came from México without anything but the clothes on his back than I know i'm going to do a good job with his company that he's worked so hard to get.

            Another job I would like to have is to harvest the cash crop for these marijuana dispensaries. I think it would be a good paying job and you would get all this knowledge working in that and the experience would come in handy for future jobs. I think it would be kind of cool because you get paid a good amount of money and you get referred to different places to go work. This really interests me a lot though.

            The job that seems easy and very kick back it owning your own clothing store or your own skate shops. It will be cool meeting all these cool people and them choosing to go to your store instead of all the other mainstream shops. All you would do is set peoples boards up and sell clothes and skateboard gear.

Working at the beach In a restaurant would be nice because you would see all these nice people come in and buy your food and it seems like it would be cool receiving all these compliments. My uncle has a restaurant on the beach and I think I might just go ask him for a job there to get started. I like cooking so a chef wouldn’t be a bad idea plus I would be getting a good pay.

            There are so many jobs one can get but these are my top four that I would like to have. These are just to get started but my big goal about going to college and taking over my dads business is my main goal I want to accomplish for me and for my father which I am so proud of. 

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