Thursday, June 16, 2011

My Time at Back Bay

My favorite things about BBHS are the time we enter school. There’s no better time to start school but 8:30. It’s the perfect hour to start school because it’s so far and it give you the perfect amount of time to get ready and still get here on time. I also like the length of the class periods because at Newport I would have 1 hour and 30 min. periods and it would feel like forever in each class but here I learn quicker and I pay attention more because I already know I have to do as much work as possible in 50. Min. another thing I like about thus school is the way you get treated and the way the teachers teach. They tell you step by step if you don’t understand something and they make it easier for you to learn something.  I also like that we have 5 classes a day and we get out at 1:55.

My least favorite things about BBHS are the food. I wish we had better food at lunch instead of all that preheated stuff that is unhealthy for you. Some other things I don’t like at Back Bay are that we should have early out every week instead of every two weeks. I don’t like the fact that we can only be late 8 times and then they drop you out of the school. Tardiness is not really my problem but it sucks for other kids that come to school walking or on their boards or if they live far.

The thing imp going to miss the most is my friends and some of the teachers. I actually enjoyed coming to this school. At my other school I didn’t really like going because of all the people talking smack all the time and it gets annoying. Imp also going to miss the walking class because it is pretty fun to walk to the store and no other school does that.

I truly am going to miss this school and Mrs. Davis and all the staff but I am going to go back to Newport Harbor High School.

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