Monday, June 20, 2011

My Job Interests

            I want to be many different things when I grow up. For example I think working outside is better than being indoors all day. Id rather be doing hard labor and sweating that sitting inside and filing papers and answering phone calls all day.
            There are four main things I would like to do when I get older. First of all I want to work in the landscaping business. I’ve been working in that my whole life. Ever since I was a little kid I've always liked going to work with my dad. I’ve already learned how to do everything. I've had so much practice and I've been through it all. I know how to do everything from trimming to planting to just regular weekly yard work. I started liking this job at about age 10. That’s when I started getting really into it. I would go with my dad on the weekends and do a lot of work. We would trim trees and I would throw the branches up on the truck. I just loved this work because it was so hard and if you’re not a tough person you’ll be crying that you’re over it. I’ve taken a couple friends to work before and there just not used to it but I love it. I want to go to college and study for business management to take over my dads business and build it up. If my dad did it and he came from México without anything but the clothes on his back than I know i'm going to do a good job with his company that he's worked so hard to get.

            Another job I would like to have is to harvest the cash crop for these marijuana dispensaries. I think it would be a good paying job and you would get all this knowledge working in that and the experience would come in handy for future jobs. I think it would be kind of cool because you get paid a good amount of money and you get referred to different places to go work. This really interests me a lot though.

            The job that seems easy and very kick back it owning your own clothing store or your own skate shops. It will be cool meeting all these cool people and them choosing to go to your store instead of all the other mainstream shops. All you would do is set peoples boards up and sell clothes and skateboard gear.

Working at the beach In a restaurant would be nice because you would see all these nice people come in and buy your food and it seems like it would be cool receiving all these compliments. My uncle has a restaurant on the beach and I think I might just go ask him for a job there to get started. I like cooking so a chef wouldn’t be a bad idea plus I would be getting a good pay.

            There are so many jobs one can get but these are my top four that I would like to have. These are just to get started but my big goal about going to college and taking over my dads business is my main goal I want to accomplish for me and for my father which I am so proud of. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

My Time at Back Bay

My favorite things about BBHS are the time we enter school. There’s no better time to start school but 8:30. It’s the perfect hour to start school because it’s so far and it give you the perfect amount of time to get ready and still get here on time. I also like the length of the class periods because at Newport I would have 1 hour and 30 min. periods and it would feel like forever in each class but here I learn quicker and I pay attention more because I already know I have to do as much work as possible in 50. Min. another thing I like about thus school is the way you get treated and the way the teachers teach. They tell you step by step if you don’t understand something and they make it easier for you to learn something.  I also like that we have 5 classes a day and we get out at 1:55.

My least favorite things about BBHS are the food. I wish we had better food at lunch instead of all that preheated stuff that is unhealthy for you. Some other things I don’t like at Back Bay are that we should have early out every week instead of every two weeks. I don’t like the fact that we can only be late 8 times and then they drop you out of the school. Tardiness is not really my problem but it sucks for other kids that come to school walking or on their boards or if they live far.

The thing imp going to miss the most is my friends and some of the teachers. I actually enjoyed coming to this school. At my other school I didn’t really like going because of all the people talking smack all the time and it gets annoying. Imp also going to miss the walking class because it is pretty fun to walk to the store and no other school does that.

I truly am going to miss this school and Mrs. Davis and all the staff but I am going to go back to Newport Harbor High School.

Monday, June 13, 2011

My Summer 2011

This summer I'm planning on going to work everyday. I want to make some money so I am going to work with my dad. I want to work the whole summer because I'm planning on buying a car so I'm just going to work and save every dollar I make. I also want to buy new clothes and maybe even a computer. I want to be doing something the whole 2 months instead of being at my house board and not doing anything. And to hang out you need money so that’s why I'm going to go to work with my pops.

Another thing I want to do is party by night. I want to have some kickbacks and go to some parties and chill with some people. I just want to chill and not cause any problems with the law or with anyone. I want to kick it with some people I haven't seen in a long time and talk about how everything is. I have a couple friends from Newport harbor that I haven’t seen in a long time. Hopefully this summer it will get really hot because it would be nice to go to the beach at night.

I want to just be able to hang out at my house and start up the grill and make some good food with some family members and relax. Hopefully on the weekends we will have some family and go to the beach or over to some other family members house and make some food over there too.

I also want to go to huge events and parties to just have a lot of fun and listen to some music with fat bass. I also want to get a computer so hopefully I make a lot of money and I end up buying my self my own computer. If I do end up buying myself a car the first thing I'm getting my car is a nice sound system and loud speakers. Hopefully things go as planned and everything turns out well.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


REWARD $1.12
If found please contact me immediately.
He is very sensitive to food so don’t let him see your food!
Contact Info:
Max Ramos: (949)646-6600

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Half Baked

I watched the movie Half Baked not too long ago. It is a really funny movie because it stars Dave Chappelle and 3 other funny actors. It is based on a group of friends that smoked pot when they were kids and they became potheads. i think this movie is really funny because of the whole idea that their buddy gets sent to jail and he's the softest one out of the rest of them. My opinion on the actors is that they are funny and they are the perfect ones for those roles. I think this movie was one of the funniest movies from that time period.