Monday, April 18, 2011

Compare and Contrast (Anger Management)

I think Anger Management is a good movie the way it was made because it is funny and has the best actors for the characters they are playing. I do not agree with Roger Ebert and his idea about switching actors and directors because I think it is fine the way it is. I think the character Dave Buznik was meant for Adam Sandler because he plays it perfectly because his face gestures and how he moves makes the movie perfect. I totally disagree with Roger Ebert because he says that the vibe of the movie, "Punch Drunk Love" should be changed and I think it is perfect the way it is because thats what makes the movie funny. I think that the actor for Dr. Buddy Rydel is the perfect actor for that roll. He is funny and has the perfect face for that character. Jack Nicholson is the man for that part and he could not have done a better job.

Thursday, April 7, 2011 - skate vid.

Emerica skate team is one of the best skate teams there is. Emerica has some of the best skaters around like Andrew Reynolds. This video shows some of the teams skaters skating in Florida in some of Florida's best skate spots. This video is from Emerica's skate movie Stay Gold.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Dream School

Right after I graduate from High School I want to go to DeVry University because it seems like a nice school for the career I want to have in the future. I want to get a Bachelors Degree for business so I can make a lot of money and to learn all there is to know about managing your own business. I would go there because it seems like a good school because all the work is hands on and they train you for your future job.

You also learn much easier because of the fact that the work is all hands on. I would also like to go to UC Oregon but it seems like DeVry University is what I am looking for mainly because I am looking to manage my own business. DeVry University seems like the best school for me.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My 5 Year Plan

In five years I would like to be able to have a college degree for small business. I would hope to have a landscaping business and run it by myself. It would be nice to work on my own account. I wouldn't have to worry about receiving my check at the end of the week.

In this company of mine we would do almost everything that has to do with making your house look like the nicest on the block. I would do some concrete work, all kinds of trimming, install sprinkler systems, any type of planting and yard work of course. We would do pretty much everything there is to landscaping.

 I feel like that is what I want to be because I grew up with a hard working father and he started with nothing and now he has his own company and his house so he inspires me to go to college and study for small business so I can keep his company going and make it grow too. Hopefully if I do get that degree I would keep the business running and my sons will keep it running when I get old.

For now I am going to have to work hard so I can reach my goal and I am going to have to go to college for 2-3 years. I also want to do that so I can make my hardworking father proud and for my own benefit as well. I would probably go to OCC and graduate.

If my goals are reached I would take my family with me to Mexico and go visit my parents homeland. I would also take my parents wherever they would want to go. I would constantly give my parents money because they bought me a lot of things as a child and i want to pay them back because they are going to be old and I am going have a nice job so they deserve the best. Hopefully this all works out in five years and if it does I am going to be an accomplished 22-year old man. All I have to do is work 100% at my best.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Letter Of Recommendation

April 1, 2011

Mr. Walske
Computer Teacher
Back Bay High School
390 Monte Vista Ave.
Costa Mesa CA. 92627

Dear Mr. Walske:

Max Ramos is an astonishing young man. He is very bright and has a lot of talent. He is very hardworking and will do anything you assign him to do. He was in the football team at Newport Harbor for Freshman and Sophomore years. He was also on a soccer team for a couple years in elementary school. He is definitely a man to hire for this type of job.

Max Ramos has many skills involving with hard labor. He is a very focused worker when it comes to counting money and keeping things in order. He is strong so he can lift anything heavy. He is talented when it comes to landscape work and concrete work.

He is a very hard worker.  He has accomplished many things. He won a couple trophies when he played soccer. Max Ramos accomplished himself by learning to drive. Another accomplishment of Max Ramos is passing the CAHSEE with a score of 420 in Math and a 411 in English.

Max Ramos