Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Favorite Music

My favorite music is called drum and bass. I like DNB because its a fast beat and I has fat bass lines.

I also like another genre called Dubstep. It is a type of music with a lot of bass and has fat wobbles and bass lines. I also like listening to reggae. Overall i like DNB the most.

Monday, March 28, 2011

About Me

My name is Max Ramos and I am 17 years old. My favorite thing to do is listen to loud music. I have two favorite types of music. I have a Blue Nose Pit Bull. I live in Costa Mesa, CA. I go to Back Bay High School. I am about 6'0. I like to listen to new tracks everyday. I have too many favorite artists. I like to listen to music at my friends house because he has two JBL subwoofers and they bump fat. If I listen to HipHop it has to be some real Hip Hop. I like listening to different beats. I can tell between good beats and bad beats.